The power supply can make or mar the efficiency of an individual; in fact, power is crucial to our daily activities as individuals either at the workplace or during chores on a Saturday morning. But here in Nigeria, a power outage has become the order of the day and, in most cases, determines our level of productivity. Using Renewable energy, Inclusive Energy intends to provide a long-lasting solution to issues associated with irregular power supply, otherwise called power outage.
We provide stable technological solutions to remedy the poor situation of power outages using: Solar systems Inverters
Welcome to a world of advanced Energy Solutions.
Inclusive Energy is one of the premier brands in Nigeria which uses renewable energy to provide lasting solutions to power disruption.
Inclusive Energy 5kva solar inverter
Inclusive Energy 3.5kva solar inverter
- Rapid automatic transfer switch
- Secure Power- Serves both unreliable and off-grid geographies
- Supports household energy requirement- Powers the common AC appliances in homes, small offices, and shops
- Easy to use, noiseless, and Eco friendly
- 3 years warranty
Inclusive Energy 2.5kva solar inverter
- Cost-effective inverter
- Reduced dependence on the grid
- Spend less on electricity bills
- 3years of warranty
- Access to months of maintenance from our experts.
Inclusive Energy 1.5Kva Solar Inverter
- Secure Power- Serves both unreliable and off-grid geographies
- Supports household energy requirement- Powers the common AC appliances in homes, small offices, and shops
- Easy to use, noiseless, and Eco friendly
Inclusive Energy 1.5Kva Solar Inverter
- Secure Power- Serves both unreliable and off-grid geographies
- Supports household energy requirement- Powers the common AC appliances in homes, small offices, and shops
- Easy to use, noiseless, and Eco friendly